How to Deal with Ageing

The hard facts of ageing and how to deal with it

In our lifetime, we grow, our body develops and reaches maturity, and inescapably, we age. Ageing is something every living being must face. Growing up can be fun and exciting – we have more responsibilities, later curfews, and the freedom to make our own choices. However, we soon start to see cosmetic declines like gray hair and wrinkles. We get tired easily, we bounce back slower than we used to… sometimes we think that these symptoms are just in our heads, but they’re not; they’re real.

Ageing doesn’t just stop with harmless cosmetic changes; the body also goes through physical decline – even those most physically fit cannot escape these changes. A study funded by the U.S.       National Institute on Aging (NIA) found that marathon runners’ time increase with age – this means that age actually slows them down! If ageing affects professional athletes, what about us?

What happens to your body when you age?

Ageing is a series of physiological changes in all living things that lead to decline in biological functions and the body’s ability to adapt to metabolic stress. It occurs on a cellular level. The rate of ageing varies greatly from person to person; however, ageing will eventually affect the cell of every major organ in the body. On average, your lung tissue loses elasticity and your rib cage muscles begin to shrink after the age of 20. As a result, the amount of air you can breathe in decreases. In your digestive system, the production of enzymes slows down and this affects your body’s ability to absorb and digest food, which makes it harder to maintain nutritional balance. Blood vessels in your heart accumulate fatty deposits and lose flexibility. These are only a few examples of ageing.

Physicians agree that with age comes a myriad of diseases directly related to ageing. These include arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, vision and hearing loss, metabolic syndrome and Alzheimer’s.

Using a prescriptive approach to medicine, some wait until the damage is done and then gravitate towards hormonal and symptomatic control drugs later in life. However, these strong synthetic drugs come with their own just-as-strong side effects. Some ‘anti-ageing’ drugs even cause dizziness, fainting and allergic reactions.

Today, many people prefer a gentler, sustainable and less vigorous approach to dealing with ageing – going the natural route causes less side effects, is safer and doesn’t artificially overstimulate the body.

Introducing Kenta – The Okinawa Diet

Okinawa, a region in the south of Japan known as the ‘Village of Long Life’, has some of the longest recorded life expectancies in the world. Studies have shown that the Okinawa Diet of green and yellow vegetables, soy and other legumes, with sweet potato is largely what contributes to the village’s long life expectancy. The Okinawa Diet is believed to have positive age management effects with little to no adverse side effects or health risks. Kenta works by stimulating the body to maintain its own healthy hormone levels. This means that, unlike many artificial hormone therapies, Kenta will not overstimulate or shutdown the body’s own hormone production. Instead, Kenta has been shown to safely buoy hormone levels within natural limits.

Kenta by LifeQode is an Okinawan-inspired natural botanical food supplement available from QNET. Nutrient-dense extracts of Japanese sweet potato, fermented sweet sticky rice, soybean, and soy paste are combined into a delicious natural peach-flavoured drink. An in-house study, conducted in the USA by Dr Libby Alfred, finds that Kenta gently stimulates four key hormones resulting in steady improvements in stamina and brain power with weight loss and reduced signs of skin ageing.

Looking for an alternative route to vitality with long-term wellness? Consume Kenta to experience noticeable improvement in your strength, skin health and overall wellness. This pleasant experience will continue to develop month after month and reach an optimum level after six months.

Read more about Kenta here:


Okinawa Centenarian Study. (n.d.).
Available from <>
Ward, Liz. (2007).

What causes aging?
Available from <>
Alfred, L. M. D. (2007).

A pilot study evaluating the role of Okinawa food beverage powder (OFBP) in the management of ageing related degenerative symptoms. Okinawa, Japan.
Biology of Aging. (2011).
Available from<


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